Sunday, December 27, 2009


Arunachala Shiva 's grace around the World.

130th Birthday Celebrations of Sri Ramana Maharshi 
will be held on 30th December,2009.
All are under the Grace of Sri Ramana Maharshi.

Swamy Ramananda and Swamy Lakshmana 
Under the grace of Sri Ramana Maharshi.

Brinzals ready for cooking.
There are Millions of Vegetarian Food Options.

Lady Fingers.
Now vegetables are grown with support from pesticides.
Wash vegetables carefully otherwise slow poisons will be entering that body.

Age Old Traditional Seed are Gone.
Now Genetically Modified Hybrid Seeds.
Without the Original taste and Strength.
they are made and modified for shelf life.

And Now the Fashion statement is organic food.
It is just a marketing method to fool us as an eye wash.

Sometimes tomato's are sold at high price.
Sometimes they not even fetch transport charges.
there are frequent incidents of farmers crushing their tomato crops on roads.
for not even getting the minimum Price.

there are different stages from Fields to Kitchen.
Farmers to transporters
Auctions in market yard to Wholesalers
Wholesalers to Retailers
Retailers to our Kitchen.
Through different means of transport with
chemical preservatives in attractive packs.

 Who is Paying the Price ???
Both - You and the farmers.

there are some vegetables which are only fit for consumption.

They can not be used for planting as seeds.

Now Genetically Modified seeds 
for Quick Yielding crops
without natural Taste.

Look - Even tomatoes are taking birth
With Genetically defective deformations.

But We are intelligent enough to Perform Surgeries.
Humans and Tomatoes

There is No Much difference.

Let us think about these issues.
Let us protect the environment around us.

Both Humans and Plants lost their resistance Powers.
Assisted by medicines and Pesticides for survival.

Look at these rice crops.
Genetically modified and sterilized seeds are used for quick Crops.
Now the end produce can not be used for Planting again.
It is only fit for consumption not for sowing.

We are loosing our protesting Powers so is these Plants.
All Commercialized in the name of Modern Techniques of farming.

Coconuts trees are very useful in our daily life.
It takes years for their Growth.

It takes Hours for cutting them.

Minutes for making money to meet our endless desires.

Look Our elders have Planted these trees for future Generations.
they never expected any fruits of labor.
Now it is you turn to Plant trees.
for future generations and for your environmental safety.

Nothing wrong with you as an Individual.
destructive with collective actions.
You are Special.
Unique .
Budding with New ideas 
To Make a difference in Society.


Come to Ashram.
Join with Ashram.
Assist the ashram in its Humanitarian Projects.

Let all of us travel together 
The way of selflessness - Sri Ramana's Way.


Serious efforts are necessary until the true self is realized.
Even then it has to be experienced without any efforts.
If it is not like that it is not a complete State.

Efforts should be there in some form or the other method,
But it should be followed continuously,
 Until you reach an effortless state,
 To receive that true self.

Your primary responsible duty to be attended and executed is,
Staying and settling down in your True self.


Don’t give any importance to your Mind.
Just focus on your goal.

If you investigate and seek the starting point of your true self,
That mind will disappear by leaving
A formless ceaseless eternal True self.

By placing you in Eternal Peace.

 ----- Sri Ramana Maharshi.

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