Sunday, December 20, 2009


Lord Shiva made with soil from Holy Rivers.

Arunachala Ramana in a Satsang at nearby Village.

Ramananda Swamy with his Guest of Honour
Swamy Premananda Giri .
Since 1985 Swamy Premananda Giri has travelled across india by walk.
He has covered entire india by walk and visited all Holy Places.
He has covered thousands of Kilometers during two decades.
This is his Third visit to Swamy Ramananda.

Saints lifestyles are different.
We are having responsibilites.
of  Mother,Father, Children and Friends.
We need to earn to take care about people around us.

So Mr. Shiva Started his day .
Premanand Giri walked to nearby village for Satsang.
Mr. Shiva went to attend his duties.

Premananda giri with his Disciple who has joined with him more than 10 years back.
Now both of them travel across india by walk. 
without any duties and responsibilites.
Just reporting to Lord Shiva.

They Dont have any income.
Just surviving with help from people.

Even though You are very busy with hectic activities 
take a break for regular timely lunch.
After all your health is important for Yourself and for your family who depend on You.

So Working in offices, banks, railways, airports, road lines, insurance companies, 
Jewelery shops, Malls, super Markets etc.,
Endless ways of Exploring . Endless ways of Earning.
In Industrial, Agricultural and Service Sectors.

Some one needs to Support these Swamys, who have renounced their materialistic life's.
Every one's role is predetermined by God.
Play Your role with full dedication ,determination and devotion to work.

Assist the Poor and Needy. 
Please Remember sadhus and Saints always be in that Poor and needy People.

Now Return to Home after a day of hectic work.
Let us spend our time with family and kids.
Let us help others according to our capacity.
Always spend the time in good deeds.
Dont indulge in dirty drinks and dangerous habits.
Which will ruin your body and family.
Please remember there are so many people concerned about your Welfare.

Your efforts and hardwork always helps You.
You have earned a lot. 
first take care about your family and friends,
dont make them lazy dependents with your hard work.

Please help poor and needy according to Your Capacity.

They will eat only when people offer them meals at their home, or in some Temples and Ashrams.

we boil milk and prepare tea two times a day, and some Groundnuts and Jaggery.
But People are not bad , always help them in their Journey.
People always help others according to their capacities.
These swamis 20 years walk across India is a small proof for that.

When You work focus on work.
when You drive focus on Road.
Fine tune Your mind like this silent tuned engine.

Just Content with what we give .
No accumulation of wealth. No worries.

See this boy who is full enthusiasm.
 and also Observe the man who is sitting at back.
He is spiritually inclined to learn from Swamis.
This boy goes to school for primary education.
So Our needs and desires will be changing with our age.

These swamis are happy 
because they don't have any stress and strain 
what we experience with our family and our activites in earning wealth
and our dealings with people and world.

Let us learn from them
How to remain calm and peace with happiness
without leaving our responsibilities for people around us.

This world is beautiful.
Let us change out mind sets.
Let us bring smiles around us.
No Competitions and No comparisons in the race of Money Making.

Just try to to help others according to Your capacity.
By word or Deed.

Another day starts for You.
Every day is Special and Precious.

always Improve Yourself.
In your earnings and also in your kindness.

You will be seeing different things.
will be dragged into materialistic passions.
With a Rational Mind. Analise good and Bad.

Black and white of every situation.
And act accordingly.

A Vehicle needs servicing to travel on road.
A Mind needs to be in proper condition to travel in right path.
Vehicle is a medium for assisting you in your earnings.
Your body is a tool for self-inquiry.
Keep it Healthy with proper food.

So Recondition Your Body.
Change Your Mind set.
tune your Mind to travel in right Path.
Silently travel in the path without arguments.

Come to Ashram
Join with Ashram
Assist the Ashram in its humanitarian Projects.
Let all of us 
Travel together 
The way of Selflessness - Sri Ramana's Way.

By listening to discourses from learned people,
By reading lots of books of interest,
You have acquired immense knowledge.

But does that knowledge helped you in removing your distress ???.


—Why –
 Because you are not implementing it and
Practically not following the acquired knowledge and
Also you are not leading the life in a principled way
As laid down by scriptures and saints.


Those who are having matured mind,
With intense practice will attain their true state
And remain in that state ceaselessly without pulling curtains down.
Those who are firmly places in that true state will
Never have any type of doubts, distress and difficulties.


We will be talking with different words.
Those words belongs to Whom ?.
They belong to Your Mind and originate from there.
They don’t belong to your true self.

Your deeds and your thoughts are fluctuations and
 Movements originated from Mind.
Your true self is beyond the scope and reach of Mind.
For a Saint this true state is a natural basic State.

You are very comfortable before the arrival of this mind
With its raised headstrong head.

  When we are in intense sleep,
There is no mind and no body, No relations and no Public,
No masters and No Gurus.

But You are There, In your true state of your true self.


All complications will arise if mind raise its head and
It will make you dance to its tunes.

The root cause of all our troubles and problems is that Mind.

Until true self is realized serious efforts are necessary.

------ Sri Ramana Maharshi.

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