Sri Ramana Seva Ashram ,Rachapalli, Andhra Pradesh, India. Pin - 533 430
Phone No. 08868 -228737.Mobile Nos. 97056 51231, 97056 51232.
Arunachala Shiva in Ashram.
Arunachala Ramana, Arunachaleshwara and Nandieshwara in Ashram.

Sri Ramana's Grace Beyond the Seas, Across the World.
Arunachaleshwara Temple Complex,
Model Plan for Construction in Ashram.
A Replica of Arunachalam will be there on western side of Temple complex.
Swamy Ramananda With Kids of Gomathas.
How to Attain Mental Peace ??
All is with in You , Peace and happiness .
Change Your Outlook towards the World.
No tensions, No worries.
No accumulation of wealth and Materials.
I put in My efforts for My Daily food.
So You Put in Your efforts for Meaningful
Existence in this world with all Comforts.
God is always with You and within You.
Self inquiry path is like a quiet flowing river.
Let us walk in Sri Ramana's Path of Self- Inquiry.
Come Join with us.
Let all of us travel together in
The Way of Selflessness - Sri Ramana's Way.
In the path of devotional Practices,
the Practicer will praise the God by reciting his mantras,
by performing Bhajans ,Keertans and by offering his Prayers.
He will feel god as his Lord, as his God, as his Friend,
as his master with different feelings in the Mind.
In this type of practice he will experience excitement,
happiness and aggravated waves of emotions in Mind.
Sometimes he feels god has taken him under his fold.
Sometimes he feels god has neglected him and distanced him.
Sometimes it appears as gods testing times towards him.
Sometimes it causes painful experiences.
All these are behavioral patterns of the Mind.
Even God has directed his devotees to travel in the self-inquiry path.
In the path of self-inquiry the Mind will be controlled and
Will be eliminated in a phased Manner.
If Mind is not there,
there will not be any of its emotional awkward activities.
The path of self-inquiry is like a slowly and silently flowing quiet river.
You should not stop with worship of Gods.
You have to move forward and has to do
Self-inquiry to know about Your True self.
----- Sri Ramana Maharshi.
Very nice blog with messages from Sri Ramana!