Arunachaleshwara and Matha with Nandeshwara after Abhishekham.
Arunachala Ramana in Ashram.

Sri Ramana's Graceful presence.

Swamy Ramananda and Swamy Lakshmana
Dedicated themselves to Arunachala Ramana.
Twin Swamys.
Twin Flowers.
Spreading the Fragrance of Sri Ramana's flowers of Knowledge.
View of construction of Arunachaleshwara Temple complex.
Helping hands are required in Ashram's
Social, Spiritual and devotional Activities.
We are different.
Unique in our own way.
Sri Ramana's Way of helping others.
Join with us.
to help others.
We all Are One.
A Super speciality hospital is need of the hour.
The Big Projects are staring at Us.
With Sri Ramana's Graceful looks all will be completed.
All Sri Ramana's Devotees are requested to Join with Us.
Old Age home , children's home and
women welfare homes will come here .
The Holy Tulasi maatha in Ashram.
A thing of Beauty to be enjoyed with love and compassion.
Not with Lust and Greed.
dont touch them, it is dangerous to you.
Even Cultivation of Grass for Cows has become very Expensive.
Now people are moving away from agriculture
to other industrial and commercial activities.
Now the land under cultivation decreasing day by day,
demand for food products increasing day by day .
Let us Plan together and present together
to improve the Food Safety to all living things.
Different Paths. Different thoughts. But the Destination is Same.
The Person who knows destination starts journey at right time.
At right time he stands up and Starts.
Some People always ready to start Journey, in their shoes, but they Never Start.
Looks like infected with pests and faded leaves isnt it ???
Its gods Creation, A croton with its multi color leaves.
Dont believe even after observing with your Naked Eye.
Sometimes we will be in wrong Perception of things even after seeing them.
Don't find fault with others.
Dont Judge others, Judge Yourself.
It is looking like a painting ? isn't it.
cow rubbing against the pole for reliving itching sensation.
The Itching sensation and other sensual pleasures
will give happiness during the initial moments of enjoyment,
but immediately it will land You in distress and Pain.
So Have everything in Restrained moderate quantities.
God has given Natural Protection against attackers.
Dont Expose Your Physical body to Tempt the Onlookers.
Dress in a Decent majestic Way.
Enjoy the Beauty around You
Dont Argue with any one.
Just remain as You are.
Try to help those who actually deserve it.
Join with us for spending charity .
In the Name of Sri Ramana.
According to your Capacity.
Let us help all those needy people in our Journey of life.
If You know Yourself, You can see them on this Road.
Otherwise Your immune to all activites on road, just Your Selfish Path.
Just Know Yourself, then You will know who will receive Your help.
Let all of us help those who are in need, around Us.
Join with us in our projects to help the needy.
Come Join with us.
visit the Ashram.
At your convenient time.
Assist the Ashram in its projects.
Let all of us travel together in
The Way of Selflessness - Sri Ramana's Way.
When our pride and ego enters in to our works,
Those works will become useless and it results in to a wasteful activity,
It leads to friction with others.
The sense of self is the root cause of all disputes.
Doing your duties in orderly and appropriate
Manner is the great service to God.
If you try to know about the world,
Without knowing about yourself,
The world will laugh at You.
What help You can do to others?.,
Without knowing about yourself.
The Main reason for all types of distress is
your sense of identification of Yourself with Body,
Your attachment towards the Body and
Your identification of everything with body.
If you know about yourself,
There will not be any questions which remain unanswered.
Just know who is there beyond “You”,
Who is different from “You”,
To receive your assistance.
Find out that “I “which is trying to help others.
Then everything will be alright at their appropriate positions.
During Practice time,
You have to overcome the ever cropping up impatience,
Tiredness, weariness, disinterest, lack of concentration and
all types of negative obstructions.
When You cross this obstructions, the result will come at appropriate time.
- Sri Ramana Maharshi.
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