Arunachaleshwara and Nandieshwara Immersed in Flowers.
Lord Shiva and Nandieshwara In Ashram.
Arunachala Ramana in Ashram.
Lord Dattatreya .
Lord Venkata Ramana of Tirumala Hills.
Sri Ramana's name derived From this God's Name.
Lord Hanuman.
The God of Strength and Service.
Lord Ganesha.
All Pooja's Start with Ganesh Pooja.
He has to be worshiped before other gods.

A Huge Temple Complex Consisting of 21 temples is Coming Up in Ashram.
It is Replica of Lord Arunachaleshwara of Tiruvannamalai.
A model Arunachalam hill is also being planned for Meditation.
Swamy Ramanada has started big projects for helping the Society.
Temples, Hospitals , Home for the Needy and Free distribution of Food.
Please come and join with Sri Ramananda's Team.
A five Stage Temple of Arunachaleshwara .
Devoted work with good compensation
both in terms of money and in service of God.
Finishing touches for evenness in Iron Grill ,
which gives strength to Platform,
it should be exactly in the Centre of Concrete.
Some People immersed in their daily activities in Fields.
Everyone has their own priorities.
Rechecking before filling Concrete.
Around the Temples An imposing rectangular Structure will be constructed.
Lots of Money and Efforts are required.
Sri Ramana Will take care of All these.
the Rectangular Pillared Structure in distance.
A model of Arunachalam Hill will come here ,
A big Meditaion hall will come here.
108 Crores Arunachala Shiva,
Nama Japa Written books will be Sanctified here.
Arunachaleshwara will Reside here.
Sacred Stones from Arunachalam were used in foundation.
Forty five Feet tall Raja Gopurams, will come on four Sides.
Just like Arunachaleshwara Temple of Tiruvannamalai.
Peaceful Surroundings Around Temple Complex.
This boy and Man totally Dedicated to Ashram.
No Salary Nothing.
Total surrender to Swamy Ramananda.
Men, Material and Money is Required for All.
For different Purposes, for different uses.
Lots of Material will go into Upcoming Projects of Ashram.
Human skills are Essential .
This Man is Skilled in Concrete Mixing.
Swamy Ramananda, Just remaining in the Present Moment.
Proper Bonds give us Strength.
Our Strengths and Bonds are with Sri Ramana.
We all are One.
Uniformity is Required in spreading concrete.
A Multi speciality Hospital will come in Ashram.
A Kids Home wiil Come.
Home for The Aged will Come.
Free Food distribution Halls.
Meditation Halls.
No Cutting the Corners, There lies the Strength.
All Big Plans.
A Hill Resembling Arunachalam Will be Constrcuted on the western side of Raja Gopuram.
Once We Utter a Wrong Word, We Can't take back Like This Iron Rods.
These rods and those wrong words will have long lasting performance.
These holes will hide after Construction.
There are so many pit falls in your path, visible and Hidden , Walk Carefully.
No More Tap waters or Well waters, only processed Mineral water in Villages.
India is very Advanced Now. We are with U to Show a Colorful India.
All will be given Proper Care In Ashram.
Free food and Accommodation to All.
Who wants to learn Sri Ramana in Peaceful Ashram Atmosphere.
Lots of works To be Done.
Planning is necessary for Plumbing, Flooring and electrical works.
if these three are not correlated at right time, things will go in total chaotic Way.
Everyone is Unique in their Own Way.
Special in their Skill Sets.
Like this Palm Tree.
Whatever has to Happen it will Happen.
Unity is our Stregnth.
Give us a Helping Hand.
We all Are One.
Travelling in Same Path.
The path of Humanity and Love.
All Are Welcome to visit Ashram.
This is Yours.
Take Your Own time to Come.
We all Are one.
Be in Touch.
Let us Walk together in
The Way of Selflessness- Sri Ramana's Way.
Even After Taking You in the right path by Holding Your Hand,
By coaxing you all the time,
Even after spoon feeding you in detailed manner,
You are not able to Identify Yourself.
So Ancient Scriptures Brought God into Picture.
So These Scriptures Explained about God,
his Wonders, His Miracles all explained in different forms,
in effective manner to touch your heart.
To make an impression in Your Mind.
To drive you to respect God,
to Surrender to God,
to Confess to God,
to Fear God and ALL.
But In Reality only the ATMA is the Truth.
With an exception of Atma, “I don’t have anything”.
Knowing this - is Real Knowledge.
As Long as You are in this Physical Body,
Stick to the above thought and State of Mind .
With this Practice,
at the time of leaving this Physical Body,
at the time of leaving this Physical Body,
You will not have any interest in any individual or anything.
Your Mind will Merge with the Atma.
There will be no sub-conscious memories to carry forward.
No Rebirth,
Just a totalUnion with Atma.
Just a total
Mr.Paul Brunton Wrote about Sri Ramana Like this:
“”Sri Ramana Maharshi does not belong to Mankind only.
He belongs to entire Universe, entire Nature, to the entire living things.
He never advised anyone to follow a Super Natural Power Blindly.
The Word ‘God” is very rarely used by Him.
So many people will make endless lively debates and discussions on Scriptures.
He never allowed this type of illusionary
Magical discussions on Scriptures near Him.
Sri Ramana showed us very simple path of Self-inquiry.
Ancient or Modern doctrines,
Different faiths,
Different Beliefs,
whatever you follow,
if you can come and travel in this path,
Different faiths,
Different Beliefs,
whatever you follow,
if you can come and travel in this path,
You can reach the destination - The Atma.””””
Why you are seeking others help,
by loosing your confidence,
determination and
Trust on Yourself.
Let the Result come at its Appropriate Time.
All Your efforts will never go Waste.
If You go on with firm practice,
the desired end result will come automatically.
the desired end result will come automatically.
All obstacles will settle down.
Individual Efforts, Appropriate time, Gods Grace,
all these three will come together.
That is self- realization.
Don’t step back from your efforts,
Gods Grace will come to You at Your need of the Hour.
- Sri Ramana Maharshi.
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