Arunachala shiva,
Arunachala shiva,
or At any time which is convenient for You.
with the Core strength of
love and Concern.
always travel in right paths guided by Saints.
Young Boy with Mother.
With Lord hanuman and Junior Lakshmana Swamy.
Spend time with Story Telling to Kids.
Age old golden Habits.
Always useful and Helpful.
They need not be our Relations or Friends.
Let us help the needy .
In terms of Food, not in Money.
But it doesn't mean that we should sit idle.
and cows dont have their own kitchens and Stores.
- total efforts for the day.
Learn , Earn and Spend.
All in a meaningful way.
Just imagine
A Stomach made of Meat digesting another Ball of Meat.
Vegetarian food makes us Compassionate.
Conclude the Hectic days Activity
By eating together.
Try to Maintain Nutritious timely food in our busy life.
rectify Your Mistakes.
it is easy to find loop holes.
Correcting them requires courage and Heart.
Take the Assistance of friends and relations.
they will Help You, Sit on back seat they will take you out.
After all it is lovely to help others.
Let all of us Join with Swamy Ramananda and Swamy Lakshmana.
Every one is a blooming flower.
With Sri Ramana's Grace.
Come to Ashram.
Assist the Ashram in its Projects.
Be a Part of Ashram.
This Ashram is Yours.
Let all of us Travel together
The Way of Selflessness - Sri Ramana's Way.
Our Likes and dislikes, happiness and Sorrow, Comforts and difficulties,
Hopes and Hopelessness –
All these are just Our Thoughts only.
Don’t Push Your Mind into confusions with these type of Thoughts.
Don’t get discouraged by not getting progress in self-inquiry.
Continuous practice in the path is the only Duty to be attended.
Those who are seeking Spiritual wealth Need not search and seek in this world.
They Need not observe the changes happening in this world.
This external world is just a deceitful illusion.
If you are connected with these worldly passions,
then you are under an imaginary illusionary condition in that world.
Under its influence you are forgetting to see the truth of your true state.
This world is under continuous process of change.
Sometimes all things favorable to you.
Sometimes all forces acting against you.
All these worldly things are unstable and in total disorder.
This world always keeps on changing.
Continuous transformation is this worlds True Quality.
You are the total stable ‘One” with total Tranquility.
You are Free from all defects - totally Pure and Perfect.
You are the True witness to this changing World.
You go inside your true state and ceaselessly remain in happy state there.
There is nothing more than this --- which You can do to this world.
Unless you firmly remain in Your True state,
All types of Doubts will be coming Up.
Practice Self-inquiry to reach your
----- Sri Ramana Maharshi.
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